flutes! (from L to R) sas, sps, bsss and sajc. we rock.
sajc people. theresa, joyin and i.
joyin, yi tong and i. : )
half of the 4dee ppl. hahaha. the guys (L to R): k3, kiat, ed, kwa, sam, big nic and ben. the girls (L to R): me, si hoon, joyin, nic and tong.
4dee with ms yeo! haha. ^^
nicole!! she simply loves my uniform. ^^ hahaha.
this was on the TV messaging system. quite cool. though the ballroom wasnt like that at all. hahaha.
flutes! too bad sambay wasnt there. :s
me with the "OKGO" guys. i wish i have the video of them dancing so that i can post it here for the world to see! mwahahaha. :x
jia hao and i. hahaha.
j1 flautists. i think chen had a deprived childhood.
some random group photo. initially it was only me and crosby. then other people *ehem* started to join us and pose! wth. hahaha.
the girls. picture courtesy of jojo-san. haha.
dad in action. he is taking some shots of flowers on top of the cliff. look at the lenses! tsk.
the girls (minus mom).
us again. pic taken by mom. we rock socks! : )
ria trying out dad's camera under the "direction" of tania and nadia.
nad-ster. "ha!"
jojo got nothing else to punch. i suppose the lamp post will have to do.
super kids! idea originally 'hatched' by yours truly. hahaha.

a tribute to kungfu panda.
ria and i. she was forced to take the picture. hehehe. :x
the hotel lobby. its damn pretty.
oh. another one with dad in action. ^^
our room was 2 stories high cos its a family suite. how else can we fit 7 people into a room?!
tania and i. she wasnt forced to take this picture. : )
jojo-san. "whats up?"
this is how they do their laundry in kampungs. just an interesting picture. : )
we went for a ride in a 'submarine'. this is a HUGE school of fish. dont know if its that visible in the picture.. :s
weird faces.......... -_-
HAHA. i find this quite funny. dont kill me guys. :x
we took a boat to an island. the water was blue blue blue.
this is what we ride in for a tour of the island. cute! ^^
the gang. the background is damn cool. this is actually a seaweed farm.
us (oh wait. am not inside) on the mini car/van going for the tour.
food station in our very own room. thanks to mom who always remember to pack lotsa food for us kids. and dad. haha.
mom ^^ hahaha.
jojo-san playing the quite new ds that is always being fought for. jojo-san loves playing the pokemon whereas the girls loved playing cooking mama. fun! ^^
ria studying organic chem for her prelims.
dock. this looks like its taken in like australia or sth. : )
playing by the beach at night. i like how our shirts' colours contrasts with the background. :x
our room. hahaha.
the gang by the pool. this was at night. look at my new havaianas! :x bought in perth.
nadia and i. exhausted after a whole day of playing.
the same shot. only this time tania is there! hahaha.
the sunset. beautiful. oh. dad's there, gearing up to take pictures.
the waves, the beach. : )
hi dad! hahaha. i took this while he was getting ready to take a family picture by the beach.
restaurants by the sea. we had our dinner here.
while we were in bali, there was some festival and the president was in attendance. he was in the car! if you squint hard enough, the face in the open window is the president's wife. ^^
sunset again. *sigh*
jojo and i. hrmm. he has this cheeky, naughty face... wonder why. hahaha.
the ceiling of the hotel lobby. it was so cool.
while waiting for the food, people were...... well. entertaining themselves.
dad became a satay man for a while. yes, that is satay!
look, so cool right! hahaha.
jojo-san. with his naught naughty face. tsk. ^^
mom and dad's bed (this is the bed on the 2nd floor of the room).
jojo and i. look at his PJs! hahaha. :x
omg. tania! what are you doing?! (or going to do?!)
our cups. each one labelled by mom. hahaha. if you cant read, its (L to R) yenn, ria, tania, nadia, jojo, mom/dad. another family quirk.
the view of the hotel grounds. so pretty!
well well. that is all folks. uploading these photos took eons! and tested my patience. urgh. :x
till my next post, which most probably will be in a month or so. or weeks.. have to mug for promos. like mad. :x
oh. and if the font appears like extremely HUGE on your comp, am sorry. in my mac it was small so i enlarged it. : )