sweeney todd and bowling
today i went bowling and watched sweeney todd (m18 movie cos its terribly gory and quite violent). i cant bowl! o-my. quite frustrating, really. but i managed to improve from game to game. played 4 games in total, the highest score i managed was a mere 70. hahahahahah. but this experience further roused my interest at bowling. am now planning to join AC bowling. i heard that they are quite good!sweeney todd is a very very very nice movie! managed to sneak in a m18 movie. yay. hahahaha. quite an achievement for me. anyways. johnny depp is brilliant! he is really a very good actor. he totally immersed himself in his roles! he definitely deserve the Golden Globe best actor award (he won for his role in this movie btw). i do hope he won the Oscars for best actor award. i recommend sweeney todd for those who loves gory and violent movies. but for those weak hearted and especially my dear siblings (except ria), dont watch it! its m18 for a reason, the way johny depp killed his victims is like super gross. slitting of throats, blood spurting out... but overall, am giving the movie a 5 out of 5! i love the songs! :) [for your info, sweeney todd is based from a musical, so yes, johnny depp would be singing. he is damn good. :) ]
actually, today started to be a depressing day for me. went to NUS' medicine faculty website. i saw the requirements to enroll in. o-my. i was so depressed. the requirements is (unsurprisingly) very2 high. furthermore only 250 people are accepted in each year! *sigh* i have to work damn hard for A level. wish me luck people. am going to be a mugger very soon. here is the webbie, check it out and see why am going to kill myself because of too much stress: http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/corporate/app-mbbsadmissionfaq.html
prata lunch

l1r5 of 10 and under. xin yi: 10, me: 8
val, cinch, me

during lunch @ MI canteen
playing "what? huh?" game when the maths relief teacher didnt come

playing "wild wild west". i won third place! yay.
valencia and i exchanged uniforms!
me in TKGS uniform
my table in sakae @ wheelock

xin yi and i. look at the plates! and thats NOT all! hahaha.

thanks to us, the sushi conveyor belt was totally empty for a few minutes! hahaha
just got these pictures from valencia! thanks! : ) and cinch wants me to mention her name here. hahaha. you re mentioned, cinch, thrice! : P
shop till i drop!
omg. today i shopped, a lot! like i dont know what came over me but i suddenly wanted lotsa things! for starters, i bought 2 pairs of charles and keith sandals. then i saw this dvd i had wanted so badly ever since like, err, 3 weeks ago. since there are only 2 copies left, i bought it. then then i passed by a bookshop, went in to 'see see' and end up buying 2 books. am like so broke please! furthermore, recently people has been inviting me (i must pay lah, duh!) for lunch here and there around singapore (really!). hahaha. am getting fatter, and am getting more broke everyday! someone help me please! i've never been so socially busy in my life. am going out literally everyday with different groups of people (chc, dunman, mi, band...) sometimes i come back home so exhausted that i cant do anything much.
went out for a prata lunch with like 11 08s7 people today. xun qi, xin yi and teng teng (basically the st. margaret's gang) insisted that the prata was very nice. someone (i think it was xin yi) said that it was "in par" (quoted) with the prata house in upper thompson road. but after one mouthful, to my amusement, teng teng exclaimed "that they (referring to the prata 'shop') had drop their standard" (quoted too!). the verdict: i dont agree with xin yi! the prata house is much3 nicer. i guess the curry is as nice, and the ice milo was yumm! hahahaha. but the prata was.. well.. not as nice as the prata house. so.. i still have to go to upper thompson road to satisfy my recent craving for prata! hahahaha. anyone wants to go with me?
quite a few number of people are going to withdraw / had withdrawn from MI. it was to the extent until (this morning) i overheard a teacher in the general office asking for 20 withdrawal forms "just in case!" hahahaha. and one class was rumored to have withdrawn together. cool! hahahaha. i also want to withdraw!! i am too lazy to go to bukit batok every morning only to play / get bored / not pay attention in class. maybe just go to see friends? but, being the laziest person on earth, sometimes i feel its not even worth it! hahahahaha. sorry 08s7! ><
mr thiang (maths) was being super cool today. valencia bravely asked for a free period and he granted it. so, we spent the time designing our very own class tee! (copyright of 08s7 k) hahahaha. cool lah.
08s7 rawks man! hahahaahah.
i am a self-confessed blog noob. i dont know how to do anything properly, except posting posts. well, that is not even counted. if anyone had noticed, every post seems different in terms of font style and size. i get so jealous when i see other people's blog! S-O-S!!!!!! those who are very2 kind and would like to render your assistance to a noob like me, please tell me via my tagboard! THANKS! :) hahahaha. (omg. am such a noob!)
o-my! am so furious today! today is a bad day, with the exception of my lunch with au and joyin.firstly, the whole day today my atm card was not with me! the insecure feelings aside, i have to borrow money. and i cant get a tee i liked and i have to say bye2 (for now) to a very nice charles and keith sandals! and it is NOT my fault the atm card was not with me! someone borrowed it and didnt return it.
secondly, a stoopid mgazine wrote that keira knightley is super thin and blamed her. *snorts* i agree that she is thin but please, she is thin because she is naturally thin. the funny thing is that mags commented on her flat chest but if she go for enhancements, these mags would also start criticizing her. so what can she do? everything is wrong!
thirdly. *sighs* i cant write about this because i vowed to myself that i wont use the blog as a mode to talk bad things about people. but one thing for sure, i like people with good manners. when you 'lend' people things, even though that thing is not yours, and you dont have the owner's permission, that is NOT good manners! for the first time in my life i told someone off so severely. i was so bloody angry. maybe in the future i would regret doing it. maybe.
anyways. today's lunch was great! ate at spageddies (spelling?) pasta and tiramisu was so nice! maybe i should eat there for my Os result celebration with my sisters and cousins. hrmm. i learnt quite a few things today. there is a difference between far east plaza and far east shopping centre. and a fortune centre! didnt know it existed! hahahaha. and au introduced me to a shop in heeren. the printed tees are so nice and affordable! i want to go back there! i fell in love with some tees already! i HAVE to go back there! thanks au for the good 'jie sao-ing'! heheheh.
tommorow. o-my. school=2 periods of bio with the old hag. i'd rather kill myself anytime! but comparing that to seeing 08s7 people, hrmm. maybe its worth trudging trough bio. maybe. hopefully.
oya. i said i wanted to explain why tomorrow i wouldnt want to miss school for the world. its because tomorrow is the day i will meet MI people after results. so tomorrow the whole day people will be asking how much i got for my Os. and having quite a good R5 gives you a chance to brag once in a while. dont get me wrong, i am NOT a snob. but sometimes, being proud of oneself is not wrong. and this is one of the only times i would allow myself to be proud of what i am and what i have. this is because i have worked hard for it! and i want to prove that with Him, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! :)
going out
my social agenda has been quite full lately. people have to "book" me first way beforehand. its quite amusing really when i hear someone say "thank god i booked you first" when he heard me turned down another person's lunch invitation. hahahaha. maybe its because now people are going their separate ways. the way some of my secondary school friends speak its as if we are never to meet each other again. is it possible to never cross paths again in the future?a lot of people had tried to persuade me to go tjc instead of acjc to maximize my R5. it is true that it is way closer to my house and that it is one of the top 5 jcs in singapore. but... i've set my heart after acjc for quite sometime now. and a plus point is that its a christian school (hahaha). ya lorr. its ac for me. and people (you know who you are!) dont try to persuade me otherwise!
i saw in the newspapers yesterday that atonement (its a movie-for those who are super-blur!) received 7 oscar nominations. went to the website to see if i can vote, but it doesnt look like i can. do any of you know how to?? btw, the website is www.oscar.com. go and see what atonement achieved! :)
nadia sent me an email with 2 pictures of keira knightley's coco chanel advertisement. thanks nadster! but the one i really want is her with the classical bowler hat. o-my. i would love to get my hands on one of those!
anyways. going out with au and joyin later. its supposedly a farewell thing for au from joyin and i. he is going off to states tomorrow morning but i dont want to miss school ; especially tomorrow! (there is a reason behind it okays-i'll explain in the next post)
oh my. the last few days had been hectic ones. results out on thursday, the 24th of jan. i cant believe my eyes when i saw the result slip! i was like "did the teacher gave me the correct result slip?!" the first thing i did was to call my mom! she was damn happy (she expects me to get an R5 of 18!)... hahahhaha. my result allows me to go to acjc. hhehehehe. i believe am the luckiest girl alive! anyways, i dont think its luck or my brain that give me these results. its because of His grace and His grace alone. as Pst Kong always say "shine for the Lord!" :)
my greatest fear is to have MOE call me and say "sorry. we gave you the wrong results." omg. i wouldnt be able to face people again after that.
ria always say that she cant seem to remember me studying for my Os. the weird thing is that me too! hahaha. i can only recall myself doing amaths, emaths and bio TYS and for these three subjects i get the worst results. i mean i do expect my combined humanities and combined science to get quite good results. but the "shocking" results is for english and especially lit!! *sigh* i am so happy now.
last, i wanna say thanks to ben! he helped me "make perfect" my blog so that its up to my so-perfectionist standard. hahahha.
pigging out
went to sakae yesterday with 13 other people of 08s7. we had a hard time trying to settle ourselves down in 2 tables. its like 'no, you should be there' and 'no, come here and sit'. it comes to a point where the waitress laughed at us. hahaha. i think my stomach grows bigger (if thats even possible) every time i eat sakae buffet. the last time i went i could only eat 8 plates. yesterday, i ate 11 and a half plates + ice cream. the people in my table, though only 6 girls and 1 guy, eats a LOT! hahaha. too bad valencia's internet is down and she cant send me the picture. i would post it here as soon as she sends me the picture cos she was the one who brought camera. smart girl. hahahaha.
well. tomorrow is results day...
everything and anything
went cycling and jogging on sat evening. jogged for like a few minutes, gave up, and walk the rest of the way to east coast. hahahaha. cycled all the way to changi that side, well, basically till i find the seat growing uncomfortable by the mili-seconds. hahaha.
i paid the price on sunday and today. my leg hurts. and i feel so damn tired. *sigh*
heard from friends supposedly official O level results coming out on this thurs. have no idea there is an unofficial results day. hahaha! anyways. it seems that am not the only one who is having nightmares about results. i dont even want to think about the kind of dream i will get on wed night! *shudder*
oya. this morning the mrt breakdown! can you believe it? hahaha. was supposed to have breakfast with joyin at macs, but she called telling me she cant board the train. if am not wrong, she is stuck in the shuttle bus pasir ris-tanah merah for like 45 mins? though wasnt directly affected, by the time the train reach my station, its like fully packed to the max! but made it in time to school. not a good start of the day.
well. have to look for pictures to make my biology project look better. hahaha.